Saturday, February 4, 2017

Self-Generating Text: Metallica, Taroko, Sonny, or the Computer?

"Camel Tail", a work of self-generating text, stands as a terrific example of what exactly may be accomplished when human creativity & creation cross with the power of modern computing.   In this case, we are presented a piece made up of lyrics by Metallica over nine of their ten albums. Interesting, though, is the way in which these lyrics are exactly presented.

Originally created and written by Metallica, Sonny Rae Tempest uses the code formerly created by Taroko Gorge to input these lyrics which are then self-generated and arranged by the code, or, computer.  In this, SRT inadvertently produces a separate discussion around the following question: who exactly is the legitimate creator and intellectual property (I.P.) owner of this work?

In looking for an answer to this question, one must first consider this following text, originally found on the right side of SRT's piece, "Camel Tail":

As shown above, SRT clearly states that Metallica is the owner of the original content.  In fact, he does so by asking the band to not sue him over the use of their lyrics.  Perhaps, then, SRT is simply the "middle man" to the computer, though without him, this work would not have been created.  Furthermore, without the use of Taroko Gorge's original code, SRT would not have been able to input these lyrics of which were borrowed from Metallica.  As far as a clear cut owner of this piece is concerned, the answer is very much open to debate and discussion.  The most basic setup for ownership and creation in this case, we feel, is as follows...

Seen Below: Sonny Rae Tempest

Taroko Gorge, though the creator of the code, is not the owner much like the original building planner for Ryan Homes is not the owner of all current Ryan Homes being built. The computer, or code, is responsible for piecing together the lyrics in a systematic, yet somehow entirely random, way.  This code, though, is made up of the works of Metallica over the near-entirety of their career.  Ownership of the words themselves, as stated by SRT in the previously shown image, belong solely and directly to Metallica.  The band, though, did not create this piece.  Again, much like the wood, steel, cement, and furniture companies utilized in the building of a home, their products add together to create the whole, though they themselves are not the owners of the final, complete product.  This leads to who we believe is the rightful owner of this specific piece: Sonny Rae Tempest.  Responsible for the overall idea and work, not its individual parts, SRT is the reason that this specific piece exists.  Built upon a code created by someone else, written by a band, and pieced together by a computer, SRT, in the eyes of the Bikini Bottom Bloggers, is the rightful owner of this piece of self-generating text.  Again though, this is very much a conversation up for debate, and rightfully so, as this field is relatively new and up for legal precedent in the (probably near) future.

Sean McCarney
Jack Shirk
Devan Orr

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