Thursday, January 26, 2017

Faith Is Crazy.

"Faith" by Robert Kendall is a piece that at first absolutely boggled my easily distracted mind. So much so that I had to click through this piece twice. As I slowly comprehended the piece the second time, I began to think about what the word faith meant to me and what it meant to Robert Kendall and what he was trying to relay in his piece.

Then I realized this wasn't the point at all, well at least to me it wasn't. If you click through this piece you'll realize it has a lot going on and isn't always clear and easy to understand. Just as having faith in something isn't always clear and easy to understand. 

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." This is what I believe Robert Kendall was trying to convey in this piece. That faith is crazy, and its surely not always enjoyable and easy to stand by . To have true faith in something takes extreme discipline and willingness to understand that you could be potentially wrong or that your what you have put faith in could fail you. The creator throughout the piece uses so many different colors and words that all correlate and bounce of each other to form different sequences etc. To me it was just to show that having faith in something can lead you down so many different paths, good and bad, and be chaotic along the way. 

For example, if you look at the screenshot that I attached in tis post from the very end of this pice of e-poetry you'll notice how it is a jumbled mess. Also, notice how the last few words that are left floating above are, "just to sum up." This, in my opinion, is Robert Kendall saying that faith can be a monumental cluster of chaos but still carrying immense value. 

Overall, I believe faith is at times can be completely chaotic, especially misguided faith, but if used in the right situation, can be extremely rewarding. 

Jack Shirk

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